Webpack vs Parcel

July 15, 2022

Webpack vs Parcel: A Comparison of Two Popular Bundlers

As a web developer, choosing the right bundler for your next project can be a daunting task. Two of the most popular bundlers in the industry are Webpack and Parcel. In this post, we'll take an unbiased look at both and compare them to see which one comes out on top.

What is Webpack?

Webpack is a popular module bundler that is widely used in the industry. It was first released in 2012 and has since become a staple tool for modern front-end development. Webpack manages dependencies and enables developers to divide their codes into modules.

What is Parcel?

Similar to Webpack, Parcel is a modern, zero-configuration module bundler that has experienced an uptick in adoption over the past few years. It offers features such as hot module replacement and code splitting, and it's known for its ease of use compared to Webpack.



When it comes to speed, Parcel performs better than Webpack. Parcel can efficiently compile and rebuild files, which reduces the build time. In our tests, we found that Parcel is faster than Webpack, especially when building small applications that don't require many configurations.


Unlike Parcel, Webpack requires a lot of configuration out of the box to work effectively. Although it provides more customization and flexibility, it takes longer for developers to set up a new project. On the other hand, Parcel requires zero configurations and automatically detects and installs dependencies.

File Size

Parcel wins in this category, as it generates smaller file sizes than Webpack. Parcel uses a caching mechanism that allows it to reuse the unchanged parts of dependencies in the bundle. This technique reduces the overall size of the final bundle.

Community and Support

Both bundlers have massive community support. Webpack has been around longer, which has resulted in more documentation, tutorials, and helpful articles about it online. On the other hand, Parcel's growing popularity means it has a vibrant and enthusiastic community that contributes actively to its development.


To wrap things up, choosing between Webpack and Parcel depends on your project requirements. If simplicity and zero configurations matter more to you, Parcel is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you need more flexibility and customization, Webpack will meet your needs. Both bundlers are fast and have a large user base, so whichever you choose, you're in good company.


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